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Don’t focus on Resolutions.

A brief note:
In honor of the new year, here is the first official repost from Design and Scheme. 

Design and Scheme and a resource has existed since 2012. It was a labor of love and a community care project of a baby researcher and student of I/O psychology. In 2014, the Design and Scheme blog, websites, and social appeared to formalize and create an area in which people could more readily access information. The purpose of this site is to create a space to discuss the topics of event planning, organizing, and healthy living. This has always been done in an interdisciplinary and intersectional way, hence why I finally decided to join these. 

The primary offerings of this website are personal organizing services and productivity consulting that helps individuals learn compassionate self-care and accountability methods. Socially and politically speaking these terms mean different things. They are viewed as not accessible to all, but that is why I started this. Solutions and managing life's hardships should be a topic addressed for all. I have always spoken to the social expectation that unfairly targets those with disabilities and in poverty in various forums. Bringing these discussions to Revolution Kitty will help emphasize that because in this space we are not watering things down. 

If you have followed Design and Scheme you will notice that some articles did not make the transfer. I am archiving and portfolio-ing those articles. If they have helped you and you would like a copy, email to request a copy for your personal use. Yes, some offerings from Design and Scheme will still be available. Look for details about that in the coming year.

Don’t focus on Resolutions.

Some of you may remember from the #Vivesmart 2015 post that I’m not about New Year’s Resolutions. I’m about setting goals and making plans.

I just wanted to do a quick revisit on why.

When I make changes to my life, whether personal or professional, it’s to improve my current circumstances. I don’t want to waste my time starting something I will never do because I’m caught up in the excitement and the stereotypical ideas about what we are supposed to do.

I’m not knocking people who set New Year’s resolutions, just noting that they don’t work for me.

When you make a resolution, often you don’t sit down and work out the logistics and plan how you can make it happen. Often, if you fail at it once, you give up and use the excuse that it shouldn’t count against you because it was a resolution. And that’s great, as long as it wasn’t a substantial change.

I choose to use the S.M.A.R.T goals method to start any change that I want to make.


Specific- What EXACTLY do you want?

Measurable- How will you know you reached your goal?

Attainable- Can it be achieved in the time you set?

Relevant- Does this goal fit in with your overall vision?

Timely- Setting a time frame to reach checkpoints or complete the goal.

This helps me to be sure that I am thinking about the relevance of the change and if it is essential and doable in my life.

So let you take away be this:

Change what will benefit you. Learn yourself and the areas where you truly need improvement. Love yourself enough to not set yourself up for failure.


A recent interpretation of this post.


Shalyse Wright-Bethea is the Founder of Design and Scheme. She has been working as Professional Organizer and Productivity Consultant. Shalyse is an activist and she’s passionate and that reflects in everything that she does. Want to chat, have questions or want to hear my thoughts on a topic? Send me a shout: B.A in Interdisciplinary Studies ( Focus disciplines: Business, Humanities, Marketing) Event planner. Organizer. Loving my crunchy, veggie life.

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